The Clubhouse is the centre of the club in more than just a physical sense, with the Brownsea room the hub for our events. The board listing the Commodores from 1875 at the end of the Brownsea room provides an insight into the members who have overseen the stewardship of the club for nearly 150 years.

In the late 60’s, the lower floor and foundations of what forms the current building were put in place, the second floor and Brownsea room were built and opened in 1992. The view from the substantial glass frontage is unrivalled, especially those warm summer sunsets.

Our galley and bar enable us to provide post-race suppers to sailors after an evening out on the water, either fighting the wind, or wishing there was more of it.
The Brownsea room provides a welcome venue to those members who have undertaken pier or sea wall maintenance duties. It’s the perfect place to devour those fish and chips.

Our quiz nights, social and training events are hosted in the Brownsea room accompanied by the enviable backdrop of Poole harbour and the myriad of flickering navigation lights across the water.
Downstairs we have modern shower and changing room facilities for members and guests. Two storage rooms, including an outboard store, are accessed from the yard.